
Teen Choice Awards: Twilight

Well might I say that I'm definitely not surprised that the Twilight cast snagged 11 out of 12 awards that they were nominated for.

Twilight Star Caught in Nude Photo Controversy

Ashley Greene is the latest star to pick on. I mean really, what was the purpose of posting a nude picture? If you notice, celebrities past only catches up with them when they're at the peak of there career.  Any who, PLT! knows you guys all love Ashley Greene and hopefully everyone will still support through and through. Hopefully, she will make it through this rough patch and come out strong. Click here to see the photo.PLT! would like to hear from you. What do you think/feel in this situation?

Edward and Bella: Barbie Dolls.

On November 1, Mattel will offer Edward and Bella Barbie Collector dolls for all of the Twilighters. Each doll will be available for $24.95 where dolls are. Oh but wait! What do you know? There just in time for the release of New Moon.

Kellan Luz and Jackson Rathbone at the Teen Choice Awards

MTV Shows Our lovely male vampires in Twilight are together at the Teen Choice Awards talking Eclipse and of course being entertaining and hot as always.Enjoy Twilighters.

New Moon Trailer Preview!

So like I promised yesterday, a 14 second preview of the New Moon trailer that debuts before the movie "Bandslam" came out today at 9 AM EST/6 AM PST.

It's really short, but I think it's amazing!

Check it out:

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