
New Moon DVD official cover

Woah... intense.

You can sign up for the newsletter here which will inform you when the DVD is going to be released! There's also the Blu-Ray edition.

Old/New NM promo shot

Oooohhh... me like, though Kristen posed weirdly, making Bella look bigger than she really is...

via TeamEdwardPOV

Razzies for Rob and Kris?? No way!

OK, now before y'all go ballistic on this, keep in mind these are simply theories (read: opinions), and should not be taken seriously. I'm saying this cos I disagree with it, hence I call it a theory/opinion.

New Moon break-up scene!!

Check out this footage of the break-up scene from New Moon, shown at the Rome Film Festival. Supposedly, it's different from the final cut!

The Hillywood Show's New Moon parody preview

The guys and girls of The Hillywood Show is doing it again, this time they are making a parody of New Moon!

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