Anna On The Cover Of Entertainment Weekly

Thu, 31/12/2009 - 06:53 | by

New Moon human Anna Kendrick (aka Jessica Stanley) is on the cover of the newest edition of Entertainment Weekly promoting her new flick Up in the Air.

In the latest issue of EW, Anna’s co-star George Clooney has a piece of advice for Anna when it comes to campaigning for an Academy Award -

EW asked him what Farmiga and Kendrick need to do to campaign effectively. “Kiss a lot of babies,” says Clooney. “I’m enjoying watching people talk about Vera and discovering Anna. I’ve been in good movies that were not successful. Out of Sight bombed, Three Kings really didn’t do well. O Brother, Where Art Thou? did okay, not great. The problem is that if they don’t [perform at the box office], then it really is going to be just Transformers. I’m not making any judgment on Transformers, I’m just saying [Hollywood will only make] those tentpoles.”

Great things seem to be happening to Anna!


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