David Slade Tweets as the end is near

Sat, 24/10/2009 - 10:25 | by twilight-gossip.com

David Slade tweeted:

  • Wrapped five actors tonight, its getting a lot less crowded in Forks.
  • Best wishes now and into the future to all those who finished work tonight. Just a few more days shooting left. Finish line is approaching.
  • ..and then there’s post production to start, 8 months of it….
  • Will keep tweeting through post… Its not over until the film is in cinemas.
  • Indeed… it isn’t over until the film is in cinemas….. I can’t believe how long we have to wait for eclipse… *sigh* At least New Moon is coming out in a few short weeks *squeee*

    Via @maliciousmandy1

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