Eclipse DVD Released, Sold 3 Million Copies

Wed, 08/12/2010 - 05:57 | by Malaysian Twilighter

The Eclipse DVD was released on 4th December 2010 in the States. So far, it has sold over 3 million copies!

According to Home Media Magazine, there have already been three million copies of The Twilight Saga: Eclipse on Blu-Ray/DVD sold since the December 4th release. According to a spokesperson from the studio, "With the first two titles, we had massive March opening events involving thousands of retail stores . . . We were going for a big bang, right out of the gate. This time we are releasing the film during the holiday season, a much more crowded time and one with vastly different consumer shopping patterns. So our whole plan is to look at what we're doing over a four-week period of time, and not a single night." Given the nearness to the holiday giving season, there is no doubt more to come from Eclipse sales. The magazine also reports that totals for Twilight sales are up to 10.5 million units, and those for New Moon have reached 9.5 million units so far.

The Malaysian edition will be released end of the month. Meanwhile, check out other DVD versions from Mexicoand New Zealand.

Mexico Collector's Edition
New Zealand Collector's Edition, AllKristenStewart

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