FEARnet: Melissa Rosenberg Interview

Tue, 03/11/2009 - 23:22 | by BellaAndEdward.com

FEARnet have a new New Moon interview with screenwriter Melissa Rosenberg.

Have you seen the final cut of New Moon yet?

I saw an early cut of it, yeah. Some of the special effects weren’t there, stuff like that. But I have to tell you, it’s funny because for writers, and for me � I often will dread a director’s cut. As a writer, you have already seen the movie in your head. And the movie in your head costs a gazillion dollars; you can’t actually make the movie in your head, but you’ve seen it. And so, a director’s cut is almost always a disappointment because it’s not what you’ve seen in your head. It can be a major adjustment, it’s not what's in my head but this one’s different, but as good.

Go here to read more. Thanks to Amy for the news.

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