Kristen Embraces Elle

Thu, 06/05/2010 - 10:59 | by

The countdown to “Eclipse” has begun! Kristen Stewartis on the June cover of Elle. As usual, she looks gorgeous… and as usual, she still won’t talk about her personal relationships.

When asked if she’s dating Robert Pattinson, she tells the mag, “I would never cheapen my relationships by talking about them. People say, ‘Just say who you’re dating. Then people will stop being so ravenous about it.’ It’s like, No they won’t! They’ll ask for specifics.”

Stewart may not want to dish about her love life, but she did open up about the frustrations associated with her rise to fame. “Somebody knocked on my hotel room door and asked for a light, then said that they were a big fan. I was like, ‘Do you really need me to light your cigarette? How do you know what room I’m in?’”

She admits to feeling out-of-place at awards shows. She says that when she goes on stage to accept an award, people think she’s “nervous, uncomfortable, and awkward–and I am–but those are bad words for them.”

As for her often criticized red-carpet attitude, Stewart says she’s not miserable; she’s just overwhelmed. “It’s just that somebody’s yelling at me…I literally, sometimes, have to keep myself from crying…It’s a physical reaction to the energy that’s thrown at you.”

For more photos from the Elle shoot, click over to the mag’s official site.


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