Live Pre-Show Coverage of MTV Movie Awards Red Carpet by Twilighters Anonymous

Sat, 05/06/2010 - 07:29 | by Malaysian Twilighter

Our friends at Twilighters Anonymous will be covering theMTV Movie Awards 2010 pre-show!!

We’ll be bringing you interviews from fans, hopefully some of the Eclipse cast as well as other celebrities that will be on the red carpet. Jenn will be sending us live updates via ustream live video. Evie will also be working with Jenn to bring you the latest tweets on our twitter ranging from her arrival to the event as well as her full experience there at the show.

Our live broadcast will start this Sunday, June 6 at 2pm - PST (Monday, 7 June 2010, around 5.00 a.m. Malaysian time) and will go on until 6pm unless the red carpet arrivals run late.
Got a question you wanna ask the cast? Send them to TA at
Thanks, Jacob/Vince ! ;)

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