Watch out for scams, Twilighters!!
As the next movie in the Twilight Saga film series nears its premiere, malicious hackers are taking advantage of Twilight fans by poisoning links in Twilight-related searches with malware, Norton’s experts warn. Some of the search terms which will return results infected with malware are “Nude pictures of Taylor Lautner,” “Robert and Kristin kissing” and “Twilight true love.” Clicking on some of the links resulting from these searches might get your PC, tablet or smartphone infected with viruses or keyloggers, so be extra careful when searching for Twilight-related material. Twilight Saga fans are a common target for malicious hackers. In April 2011, we’ve seen a Twilight game scam spread virally on Facebook, and similar scams have accompanied every movie in the series. Norton‘s experts expect to see even more Twilight-related malware, scams and spam as the excitement around the movie grows.
via Mashable