New Moon breaks midnight box office record, beats The Dark Knight!!

Sat, 21/11/2009 - 02:39 | by Malaysian Twilighter

Holy crow!! It's official: New Moonhas smashed the midnight box office record.
Summit has announced that The Twilight Saga: New Moon has officially set a new all-time midnight box office record, taking in $26.27M from 3514 theaters.
This shatters The Dark Knight's $18.4M midnight debut for a 3-day weekend. It also easily surpasses the all-time record for midnight showings which was held by Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, which took in $22.2M on a Tuesday night on its way to a 5-day weekend total of $158M. The Dark Knight went on to take in $67.17M that opening day, dropped 29.1% from Friday to Saturday to bring in another $47.65M, and ended with $43.6M on Sunday for an opening weekend total of $158.4M.
Twilight Lexicon via ProNetworks

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