Potential Oscar Surprise

Sun, 27/02/2011 - 15:20 | by Malaysian Twilighter

No Twilightstars at the Oscars this year, y'all. However, Oscar producer Bruce Cohen says there's another surprise in store.

After releasing, via a Twitter video, that there will be a surprise for all the Twihards out there, Bruce furthered “Robert, Taylor, and Kristen will not be on the show but, the next best thing is going to happen and it will blow people minds.” Although Cohen wouldn’t reveal the surprise, he did let on what it is not, including it’s “not a live element at all…not technically CGI…and not the trailer for ‘Breaking Dawn.’”
Interesting. Catch the 2011 Academy Awardsa.k.a. Oscars LIVE on Star Movies tomorrow, Monday morning at 8:30 a.m.
via RyanSeacrest.com

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