Robert Pattinson sat down to chat with Parade mag recently and dished on his role as Tyler in Remember Me, being compared to James Dean and going on dates. Check out what the 23-year-old star had to say:
On James Dean: “I think he was like the most influential person for young guys, especially actors, in the last 50 years. So yeah, I mean, I’m not ashamed to say I am very much influenced by him.”
On how he related to Tyler: “I related to Tyler in that I wish I could have done things like he did when I had the opportunity. There is something quite satisfying about being a little bit more reckless and even fighting. It’s quite cathartic to just sort of randomly start hitting someone. It was fun kind of, letting all your rage go on the set. We had this big scene where I punch out some guys. It went fine and nobody was really hurt at all.”
On not being the best at dating: “When it comes to the opposite sex, I’m not as fully confident as the guy I play. I don’t even remember the last time I asked someone out on a date, like, just went up to them and that’s the first thing I did. I’m much more self-conscious and not wanting to fail. So I tend to hold back.”
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