Stephenie Meyer's Twilight Saga Sweeps USA Today Best Selling Books Of 2009

Thu, 14/01/2010 - 23:25 | by Twilight Treasury

As if we didn't know it, for the second year in a row the Twilight saga books have proven to be the most popular for the second year in a row, taking all four top spots in the list! Here is what USA Today had to say -

Led by Stephenie Meyer’s Twilight series, vampires devoured USA TODAY’s Best-Selling Books list in 2009. For the second year in a row, Meyer swept the top four spots. No other author — not evenJ. K. Rowling— has done that in the list’s 16-year history.
Meyer’s coattails pulled 16 other vampire titles onto the list of the year’s 100 most popular books.

“Meyer had an unbelievable impact,” says Michael Norris, books analyst for Simba Information, a market-research firm. He wonders what publishers will do when what he calls ” ‘the vampire industrial average’ falls. Every cycle has an end.”
But for now, Meyer — who has also benefited from Twilight movie adaptations, with more to come — has turned “the YA (young adult) category into the PG-13 of books,” he says. “She’s not just read by tweens and teens, but by a lot of 30-year-old women.”
No matter who’s reading them, books for kids and teens accounted for 29% of sales tracked in 2009 — the highest percentage in the list’s history, up from 28% in 2008 and 22% in 2007.
Like I said, as if we didn't know... :) Read the original article here

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