Summit Insider Says " Breaking Dawn Will Be Made Into A Movie" -

Wed, 19/08/2009 - 22:13 | by Twilight Treasury

This is NOT confirmation from Summit themselves. However Marc Malkin lets us in on some inside info -

"Breaking Dawn will be made into a movie!

While there's been no official announcement that all systems are go for a fourth Twilight flick, a rep for Summit Entertainment promises that Eclipse will not be the last we see of Robert Pattinson & company...

"The fans should rest assured the we're working with Stephenie Meyer to bring Breaking Dawn to the big screen," the rep said. "As in all creative processes, things take time. We want to make sure we get it right."

And as Twilight fans know, that probably means softening the more hard-core aspects of Breaking Dawn."

I'll be happy when Summit green light Breaking Dawn officially, but it's looking good eh?!

Source of manip.

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