TIME.com: "It's Twilight in America"

Sun, 22/11/2009 - 06:59 | by BellaAndEdward.com

TIME magazine's website has an article about the Twilight franchise and the New Moon movie. Check it out here! Thanks Abby!

The woman who would publish meyer, Megan Tingley, was handed the manuscript in November 2003, right before she got on a cross-country flight to California. She wasn't expecting great things. She'd never heard of Meyer. Nobody had. She wasn't a vampire fan either.

But she spent the entire flight riveted by that 600-page bundle of paper. "I kept thinking, Well, she can't possibly sustain this," Tingley remembers. "The whole book is going to fall apart. She's a first-time writer. I was with a colleague, and he was trying to sleep, and I kept pulling him awake and reading passages to him."

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