Stephanie Gobin, the winner of the Tribute and BeingGirl contest, had a chance to interview Bronson Pelletier (Jared) for Tribute Magazine. Click here to read the interview and watch the video! Great interview Stephanie!
If you didn’t play Jared, out of all the other characters, who would you like to play and why?
Uh, I’d go with Bella. (laughs) No, honestly, I don’t know. I think I’d love to play one of the Volturi. I love their whole costume. They had that whole, that old school kind of costume, that’s really inviting to me.
Just because of their costumes?
Yeah, their costumes are so bad-ass. Pardon my language, but the origin of the whole vampire, it’s so old school and I love it. Plus they’re really powerful too, like the wolf pack.