Twilight Director rewrites Robsten history!

Sat, 14/11/2009 - 04:38 | by

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Everyoneknows by now that Catherine Hardwicke is crackers. She’s got a mouth like Megan Fox, but we still love her, right?

She’s always kept it interesting when we’ve spoken with her, and she certainly didn’t disappoint in her recent interview with Time.

Cath says nothing went down between Rob and Kristen during Twilight, but confirms they’re giving it a shot now.

Hmmm, you sure about that time line, babe?

Hardwicke dishes:

“After I cast him, I told Rob, don’t even think about having a romance with [Kristen]…She’s under 18. You will be arrested.”

Interesting. What legal guru is whispering in Catherine’s ear? She continues telling Time she doesn’t think anything went down on her watch.

“I didn’t have a camera in the hotel room, I cannot say…but in terms of what Kristen told me directly, it didn’t happen on the first movie. Nothing crossed the line while on the first film. I think it took a long time for Kristen to realize, OK, I’ve got to give this a go and really try to be with this person.”

This isn’t the first time C.H. has outted Robsten as Robsten. Over the summer she spilled how she’d seen Rob and Kristen’s fascination with each other from the first time they were getting it on for Rob’s audition.

Catherine also told us she totally approves that Rob and Kristen are a real-life couple now.

So what gives on the hush-hushing of what went down during the first film? Maybe Hardwicke doesn’t really know. Hell, we don’t even really know specifics, but well-placed sources that were on set of Twilight told us “something” was going on between R and K during filming.

The whole underage thing is a hugefactor in why no one would want to blab about that. Also, Kristen was in a relaysh at the time, so no one wants to think of Rob as a homewrecker. But at the end of the day, we can tell you Robsten were developing during this whole friggin’ first movie.

Rental car romps? Secret hotel room love confessions? Or just intense intellectual conversation? Maybe we’ll never really know, but we can say Twilight was where Robsten started heating up.

So for you 25 percent who said Rob and Kristen’s hand-holding pics weren’t proof enough they were dating, does Hardwicke’s most recent interview convince you at all?

Ted C

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