'Twilight In Forks' Trailer

Tue, 01/09/2009 - 14:38 | by BellaAndEdward.com

MTV have the first trailer for the documentary film 'Twilight In Forks'.

If you've been to Forks, you know that once you step into the tiny, rain-soaked town, it feels as if any of Meyer's characters could walk up to you at any moment. If you don't feel like driving for endless hours, flying on a puddle jumper or simply can't afford the trip, "Twilight in Forks" hopes to make you feel like you've been there. And if you have made the trek, the film aims to serve as the vacation video you wish you were talented enough to cut together with your iMovie.

"There's a real-life Bella working at the Fork's Outfitters in Forks," marveled Brown...

Out on DVD on October 15, a month before "New Moon" hits theaters, "Twilight in Forks" will chronicle all the town's dedication, devotion and dark secrets.

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