Twilight: The Graphic Novel revealed!!

Fri, 22/01/2010 - 06:20 | by Malaysian Twilighter

Back in July 09, EW reported on the adaptation of Twilight into a graphic novel (a.k.a. comic book, but that would make it sound children-ish).
Now, they can exclusively confirm that the novel is a go, and will be released Stateside on March 16th!! Above is the spectauclar loking cover featuring Bella.
After the jump, check out the biology class scene, and an exclusive interview with Stephenie Meyer.
The text of your original novel is boiled down so carefully that it doesn’t feel like anything is missing. Were you the one who did that?I was definitely involved.  I didn’t do the original “script” for the book, so to speak.  But when I got the dialogue with the images, I did a lot of tinkering. In a couple of places, I asked for missing scenes to be inserted.  For example, the conversation in the car that Bella and Edward have after she faints in Biology.
How does the feeling of reading the graphic novel compare to that of reading the original? Does it bring something new to the experience for you?For me, it takes me back to the days when I was writing Twilight.  It’s been a while since I was really able to read Twilight; there is so much baggage attached to that book for me now.  It seems like all I can see are the mistakes in the writing.  Reading Young’s version brought me back to the feeling I had when I was writing and it was just me and the characters again.  I love that.  I thank her for it.

the biology scene

When this project is done, are you done with Twilight?I can’t say that I am done with Twilight forever.  I’m not working on anything new Twilight-related now, and probably not for a while.  But there’s still a possibility that I’ll go back and close some of the open doors.
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