Uh-oh. Breaking Dawn trouble?

Thu, 13/05/2010 - 00:59 | by Malaysian Twilighter

There's been reports floating around the web saying that Ashley Greene and Kellan Lutz may not be returning for Breaking Dawn!!

Gossip Cop writes:

Reports are swirling today that Ashley Greene and Kellan Lutz might leave the “Twilight” franchise before Breaking Dawn begins production if contract negotiations crumble. While it’s expected that the Big Three of Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart, and Taylor Lautner are close to finalizing deals to complete the run, Greene and Lutz are rumored to be looking for more than producers are willing to spend. Bryce Dallas Howard is taking over for Rachelle Levefre in the upcoming Eclipse, so there is a precedent for secondary role replacements.

Good point on Rachelle's replacement. I, for one, would be sad to not see Ashley and Kellan in BD, even if Emmett doesn't have much of a big role.

ViaGossipCop.Image by Getty.

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