What We Learned from RPattz’s, KStew’s & TayLautner’s TwiTour Appearance

Sun, 20/06/2010 - 16:55 | by Malaysian Twilighter

HollywoodNews has a write-up on some details about the trio during the recent TwiTour in L.A.
As you likely know, Robert Pattinson, Kristen Stewart and Taylor Lautner (along with most of the “Eclipse” cast) appeared at the official “Twilight” convention in Los Angeles this past weekend. Below is a brief summary of some of the new funny and serious tidbits we learned about the Twifecta from their Q&A session:
Rob still doesn’t understand why girls scream for himRob can’t answer questions when he’s tiredEveryone is in agreement that grey spandex isn’t flattering on TaylorEveryone agreed that Taylor (Jacob) telling Robert (Edward) in “Eclipse”, “I’m hotter than you,” was one of the hardest scenes to play with a straight faceTaylor said at last year’s Comic Con that he was most looking forward to filming the “tent” scene in “Eclipse”. Turns out he was right – it was his favorite scene to filmRob believes Edward’s most redeeming quality is his humblenessTaylor believes Jacob’s most redeeming quality is his persistence in pursuing BellaKristen’s favorite band on the “Eclipse” soundtrack is “Florence and the Machine”Taylor and Kristen have been star struck; Taylor by Tom Cruise and Kristen by Kate WinsletKristen enjoyed filming “the birds and the bees” scene with Billy BurkeThere are never ending jokes the Twifecta can make about Rob’s and Kristen’s upcoming scenes in “Breaking Dawn”Guys love Rob tooTaylor isn’t part of the “Robert and Kristen” club

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