Two biggest film box-office hits of the last years stand with the People Choice Awards for the choice.
Twilight as well as Harry Potter and the half-caste prince are nominated for the event taking place on the 6th of January, 2010 in the categories of the best saga and the best principal characters group.
Moreover, Twilight is nominated in the categories of the best actor (Robert Pattinson) and the best actress (Kristen Stewart). In these both categories Daniel Radcliffe and Emma Watson were not considered.
Another plus for Twilight is that now in November already the second part is published, while one must wait with Harry Potter till November, 2010 for the continuation which Harry Potter and the sanctums of the death will be called. The people will have still New Moon in the Gedächnis which is able to do itself still this year to the box-office hit rausstellen.
The competition about both films goes on. What do you think who wins?
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