Alex drops out of 'Sugar'

Tue, 16/11/2010 - 04:47 | by Eyes of Amber

Via The Meraz Effect and the Twilight Lexicon Alex Meraz has dropped out of the movie 'Sugar'. According to his management;
"“Dear Alex fans…in the next few days, we will be removing everything from our website that is in regards to the film Sugar. I was given the following note to pass along from Alex’s management. I do not have further details at this time….
Alex will be pulling his involvement with the film SUGAR. Please DO NOT make any donations to fund the film.Fellow fansites: Please make sure to post this on your sites and get the info out to your fans. I can assure you this is legit."

No further information is available at this time but the movie production had been trying to raise funding online via their website We will let you know if we hear more!
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