Eyes of Amber

Tell Me What You Think?

Fri, 16/11/2012 - 01:31 | by Eyes of Amber

So the truth is I really, really miss this blog and I miss my amazing readers and twitter followers. To show my appreciation and to honor the last film's arrival I'm working on a special post. What I need from you is to know what you thought about the final installment.

The day has finally arrived!

Fri, 16/11/2012 - 01:05 | by Eyes of Amber

It's finally here! Breaking Dawn part 2, which technically comes out tomorrow, will start showings tonight. Not midnight as we've gotten used to in the past but at 10pm! I'm totally jealous of all of my amazing friends who already saw the movie Monday night in LA and all those of you seeing it tonight. For some reason no on wanted to babysit until after midnight during the week so I could go tonight, lol, so I'll be seeing it on Friday. This will be the first time since the first movie  that I wasn't at the midnight showing but I'm trying to be brave!


Mon, 05/11/2012 - 00:42 | by Eyes of Amber

Just because I know some of you may be wondering I thought I'd tell you that I'm going in for Breaking Dawn Part 2 as a virgin the way I did for New Moon. I've avoided stills, clips and trailers as much as possible. I went for all the "spoilers" for Eclipse and BD Part 1 and I ended up kind of wishing I hadn't. Since this is the last film I thought I'd go all in one more time and keep myself pure for Edward.

Anyone else doing the same?

What has she been up to?

Fri, 08/06/2012 - 05:42 | by Eyes of Amber

So what have I been up to in the months since I last posted? Quite a lot, actually. Some of it I'll share a little later down the road, but there are a couple of exciting things I wanted to let you know about now!

Indefinite Hiatus

Tue, 24/01/2012 - 02:46 | by Eyes of Amber

I'm sure you've noticed there hasn't been any new activity on the blog for quite some time. For a myriad of reasons, it's time to officially go on hiatus again. This may be permanent, it may not. I haven't decided at this time. Running the blog alone is more than I can do with the other demands in my life and to be honest my heart just isn't in it anymore.

Last Day to vote for People's Choice Awards

Wed, 07/12/2011 - 03:28 | by Eyes of Amber

There may not be a Twilight movie in the nominations for People's Choice Awardsbut there are plenty of nominees with ties to the Saga.

Bella's Wedding Dress causing a stir?

Tue, 29/11/2011 - 15:58 | by Eyes of Amber

According to TMZ, girls are faking engagements in order to try on a replica of Bella's wedding dress from Breaking Dawn part 1 and it's causing issues for bridal shop owners. This picture is from their story...

Unique Twilight Christmas Gift Ideas

Thu, 24/11/2011 - 00:28 | by Eyes of Amber

Someone asked me the other day if I had any suggestions for unique Twilight-themed ideas for Christmas gifts so I set out to find some! I'll keep adding to this post as I find new things, but I wanted to start by sharing this treasury that I put together on etsy. Here are a few of  the products..

The Muppets take on Twilight

Sun, 20/11/2011 - 01:42 | by Eyes of Amber

The Muppets have been using parodies as an advertising too for the new movie. First it was "Breaking Prawn" and now we have these posters!

Someone Like You - the Jacob Black remix

Sun, 20/11/2011 - 00:14 | by Eyes of Amber

So, 4tnz came out with this video a month ago, but I wouldn't post it because there is so much from Breaking Dawn part 1 in it and I know how many of you all didn't want to see anything before you took your seat in the theater. But, it is just too clever not to post!

Every time I hear Adele sing this now, I can't help but replace "out of the blue" with "out of the woods" ;)
Hope you enjoy it and hope you're getting to see Breaking Dawn part 1 this weekend.

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