Before hitting big with her role in Up in the Air, little was known about Anna Kendrick aside from being part of the Twilight movies and a Tony Award nominee at the age of 12. Now with her name being part of the every award giving body this season, Anna is hitting Hollywood big time.
In a new interview with Reuters, Anna talked about being caught up in the Hollywood Awards Season.
“There’s always a part of you that’s going to feel like a version of yourself that couldn’t find a job and you wonder what tricks you pulled to get into the party,” Kendrick told Reuters.
“I won’t feel the full effects of this until (the Academy Awards) are over,” she said. “I feel like I’ve got to come out on the other side first.”
She also talked about being part of the Twilight Series and happy enough that she is not defined with the saga.
“I’ve been really lucky to not be defined completely by that series,” says Kendrick.
“I honestly feel like Jessica is one of those characters that if she wasn’t in the movie, nobody would miss her,” she says. “At the same time, I feel a certain affection for the films so if they ask me, I would love to. I don’t have my fingers crossed either way.”
To read her entire interview, click on the link above.
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