Back in late 2008, I came across a copy of Entertainment Weekly with some guy on the cover. I didn't know who he was or what landed him there, but I knew he was damn easy on the eyes even with that popped collar and the big poofy hair. There was just something pleasantly unnerving about that gaze...
Hello, ladies (and the occasional gent)! You're all looking lovely this evening. I thought it was high time we do another beauty post. I haven't been seventeen in...a while and my body is none too pleased with it. Long gone are the days where I could eat Taco Bell without grave repercussions. My knees and ankles are better weather forecasters than a meteorologist. Welcome to a world where you can throw out you back opening a jar of applesauce. Thinking about collapsing into bed without removing my makeup? Better be prepared to have a face transplant in the morning.
It's a good thing that Mr. Snarky and I don't go all nuts celebrating Valentine's Day (too many years in the restaurant biz, among other things? Eh - we're not all that romantic...), because I know exactly where I plan on spending V-Day 2015:
Do you guys read Twilight fan fiction anymore? Because I don't (confession: I never read a lot of fic in the first place, if you can believe that). But that said, that purveyor of all things worthy in the fandom, LeJadaLulu was going insane for a fic a month or so ago and I couldn't help but notice. Not when all my other fandom folks on Twitter were going insane for it. Finally, my curiosity got the best of me and I'm telling you guys, I devoured this fic. Couldn't wait for updates, would drop everything to read them.
Vampires and werewolves have enjoyed a surge in popularity lately. While stories of these supernatural beings have existed for quite some time, their presence in fiction has increased lately, in large part due to the popularity of Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight series. This series of four books features an ordinary teenage girl named Bella who falls in love with a virtuous vampire named Edward and is best friends with a hot-blooded werewolf named Jacob.
When it comes right down to it, Twilight is a love story, and if you have just finished the Twilight books and you want something that has a similar feel, there are many fantastic options for you to choose from.
When you are thinking about Twilight and the way it has changed an entire generation’s view of vampires, it is important to remember that it does not stand alone. As a matter of fact, the Twilight movie is only the most recent in a line of attractive vampire movies, and whether you are simply curious about where your favorite movie came from or you just love those bloodsuckers, there are a few that you need to take a look at.
When Stephenie Meyer began penning her Twilight series, she never could have dreamed how big the phenomenon of vampires would become.
“Twilight” was the first work of teen literature that introduced young adults to the world of vampires. Vampires had historically been portrayed as predators and harmful to humans. The vampires in the book proved that although they are hunters in nature, they could peacefully coexist with the human world.
When it comes right down to it, whether you cared for the writing or not, whether you loved Robert Pattinson or Kirsten Stewart or not, you cannot argue that the Twilight movie introduced a whole new generation to the beautiful vampire.