Anna recommends a horsey romance fic on TLYDF!

Sun, 16/08/2009 - 18:02 | by peacelovetwilight

You know you've made it big when you recommend a fan fiction on (The Lazy, Yet Discerning Ficster). Well, sort of...
Anyway, I rec'd one of my current FF faves, "A Stable Romance" by Iadorepugs. 
An excerpt of my recommendation:
"Let me get one thing straight. I don’t like horses. At least, I’m not the kind of girl people call a “horse-freak.” I have never been interested in horses, not even in kindergarten, and when I see people reading books about horses it makes me laugh. I am clearly not a horse person.

However, when I first started reading the story, I did not realize that A Stable Romance is, in fact, of a horsey nature. Don’t panic, horse-haters! This story wove horses into its plot so well that it has actually made me quite interested in horses. I would have thought previously that this was impossible, but not so. In fact, I fell in love with this story the same way I fell in love with Twilight. I never thought I would ever like a book about vampires, but we all know that I fell head over heels for the novel. The same thing happened with A Stable Romance."Read more here.

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