Glamour has posted their entire interview with Ashley Greene in their May 2011 issue. Ashley shares the cover with Frieda Pinto and Emma Stone. They dubbed Ashley as the bombshell.
GLAMOUR: You have a truckload of experience with the Twilight films, but you are also just getting started. It’s kind of funny, right?
ASHLEY GREENE: I still am extremely green in some ways. And so each time I work on a character, it is very exciting, very scary.
GLAMOUR: What about your new movie, Butter? Are you funny in it? I mean, it’s about people who carve butter competitively!
ASHLEY GREENE: I am unintentionally funny in it. Yeah—butter carving in Iowa. It’s a thing there. They make masterpieces.
GLAMOUR: How do you define the rest of your career after being part of this huge Twilight phenomenon so early on?
ASHLEY GREENE: It is difficult because people look at you as that character. I want to play a role of a 24-year-old woman, not 17-year-old girls. So I have picked a couple of films like Butter to show that. And it’s perfectly fine not to do anything for a year if I don’t find the right thing.
GLAMOUR: To have a career like yours, you have to be professional. You have to be in control.
ASHLEY GREENE: You have to try. I am certainly not perfect. I don’t think you should try to be perfect for anyone. When you come to terms with that, then you’re OK.
GLAMOUR: So what about messy Hollywood, like the partying and drugs?
ASHLEY GREENE: I keep to the ground rules. I’m not going to get drunk at a bar. There are younger girls who look up to me. So I do my best not to stray too far.
GLAMOUR: Let’s just talk about life offscreen. Tell me about your charity work.
ASHLEY GREENE: I work with a charity called Donate My Dress. It’s got chapters all over the country where you can donate special-occasion dresses. Prom is a big deal when you’re 15 years old, and it enables girls who don’t have the money to come in and choose something special.
GLAMOUR: That’s lovely. Your parents must be so proud.
ASHLEY GREENE: The only thing they ever wanted was for me to do what I wanted to. They are very proud because it’s a hard thing to not let Hollywood change you.
GLAMOUR: Have you always been a hard worker?
ASHLEY GREENE: Oh, man, I have had so many jobs. I always wanted to work, earn my own money. When I was 14, I convinced a dry-cleaning company to hire me. I was working to buy the things that I wanted.
GLAMOUR: Where did the acting come from?
ASHLEY GREENE: I started in modeling. [At first] I wanted to be a lawyer. I realized I don’t really want to be a lawyer. I want to play a lawyer. Thank God I figured that out.
GLAMOUR: How many girls from Florida or anywhere go to a modeling convention in New York and become a movie star?
ASHLEY GREENE: I’m a big believer in “everything happens for a reason.” I’m not saying it wasn’t hard. I lived off Lean Cuisine and had no furniture and shared a bedroom with a girl for a year. I ran up my credit card. But every time I thought, I’m going to fail, something happened that kept me here.
GLAMOUR: Let’s talk about love and relationships. Like where is your super-foxy boyfriend right now?
GLAMOUR: Superstud! Was it love at first sight?
ASHLEY GREENE: A friendship developed first, and that’s the most important thing for me. If you are going to be with someone all the time, they need to be your best friend.
GLAMOUR: What are your boundaries in a relationship?
ASHLEY GREENE: You need to be able to talk about the difficult things. I don’t want us to talk about our ex-boyfriends or ex- girlfriends. The past is the past. As long as it’s not a mass-murderer past! You’re with the person who you’re with as they are now.
GLAMOUR: When I typed A-S-H into Google—just A-S-H—your name was the first to come up. Seriously! What about that?
ASHLEY GREENE: Really?! That’s exciting!
GLAMOUR: Ashley Greene, small-town girl with a big-town dream…
ASHLEY GREENE: I think that I have got a lot more to do. But I am comfortable in this spot. There are always bigger dreams.
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