BD Book 3 Preface and Chapter 19. Burning

Tue, 15/11/2011 - 20:25 | by Eyes of Amber

Surprised that we're going this far? Yeah, just trust me on this and don't ask questions.
Personal affection is a luxury you can have only after all your enemies are eliminated. Until then, everyone you love is a hostage, sapping your courage and corrupting your judgement.
Orson Scott Card
EmpireThe preface shows a big change for Bella. She's not afraid any longer. Now, she's ready to fight. 
Key Plot Points from The Twilight Saga: The Official Illustrated Guide 

  • Bella is bewildered by the pain and darkness
    The morphine keeps Bella paralyzed while the venom burns; Bella wants to stay alive for Edward, Jacob and Renesmee; Bella burns but forces herself to remain silent to lessen Edward's anguish
  • After two days Bella's heart stops; she opens her eyes

It's kind of nice to be back in Bella's head again, even if she is in incredible pain. We get to see Renesmee's birth again, but through Bella's eyes this time. Amazing and chilling at the same time. Her drive to stay alive for the sake of not only Edward and Renesmee, but Jacob as well. Her choice to stay quiet in order to keep from causing Edward any further pain. So good to hear her side of the story once again.

And then...her eyes open...

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