Billy, Nikki & Kellan reveal some of their secrets

Fri, 06/11/2009 - 19:55 | by

Kellan Lutz
Q: What music is on your iPod?
Lutz: A lot of Kings of Leon. But my favorite song is [T.I. and Justin Timberlake's] “Dead and Gone.” I play that every morning when I wake up and listen to it as much as I can.

Nikki Reed
Q: What is the craziest thing you were dared to do, and then actually did?
Reed: A year and a half ago, right before we shot “Twilight,” a friend of mine said, “You don’t know the value of money.” And I was like, “OK, well, I grew up really poor, and in fact, I definitely know the value of money.” Their argument was that I had never worked a minimum-wage job and I could in no way relate to a huge portion of the country. So I moved out of my house about a year and a half ago. I put everything I had up on Craigslist for free, and I moved to this little [Hawaiian] island called Kauai and worked in a clothing store. I didn’t answer the phone to any of my agents and made 9 dollars an hour.

Billy Burke
Q: What’s the one place you can go to relax and get away from all the crazy and hectic situations you find yourself in as a “Twilight” star?
Burke: Well, if I want to get away and do nothing and try to think about nothing, I will go and sit at a poker table. That’s what I do. That is my do-nothing leisure time. Other then that, I have a little room in my house that I lock myself in sometimes and — I don’t get enough time to do this anymore — but I lock myself in there and write songs. Still, there’s a little area of that river that’s still going someplace in my life, and I still play guitar and piano, sing and write songs and do that stuff.

Read the restof the interviews, here!

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