Billy Talks 'Eclipse' Cameo

Fri, 06/11/2009 - 02:10 | by

In an interview with MTV, Billy Burke talks about a cameo that takes place in 'Eclipse'.

"[When I was young], I was a huge fan of a guy who does a cameo in 'Eclipse,' a guy named Peter Murphy," revealed Billy Burke, the veteran actor who plays Bella's father, Charlie Swan, when he stopped by the MTV studios this week. "He used to be the singer of Bauhaus."

Bauhaus pioneered the "goth rock" music genre from 1978-1983, and although they were never hugely successful commercially, the band made a mark with such memorable songs as "Bela Lugosi's Dead," which the band is seen performing in the opening scenes of the 1983 vampire flick "The Hunger" (starring David Bowie and Catherine Deneueve), a longtime goth touchstone. In the years that followed, Murphy launched a solo career that featured early MTV hit videos like "Cuts You Up" and "All Night Long."

According to the post, Mr. Murphy plays a vampire in flashback sequences that occur at the bonfire, when Billy Black tells the old stories of the Quileute tribe.

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