Change of Email address/Contact info

Thu, 26/11/2009 - 02:51 | by

It is quite unfortunate that we, Twilight-, have become a victim of a global spamming modus. This evening our contact email address was compromised and hacked into thus we are unable to access our account at this moment. We are forced to close down that account and make a new email address. You can now contact us at

Please note that whatever  email you will receive from our previous email address,, is malicious and should not be trusted nor considered. Please disregard any emails, requests and pleas from them as they are untrue and malevolent. Please be assured that we have already informed our former email service provider and this incident has been looked into.

AGAIN, PLEASE NOTE THAT WE ARE NO LONGER HOLDING/DOING ANY TRANSACTIONS FROM OUR PREVIOUS EMAIL ADDRESS ( if you wish to contact our team, you may do so at our new email address listed above.


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