Chaske Spencer inspires others with his addicting past

Fri, 05/11/2010 - 03:06 | by

Chaske Spcencer has made it no secret of his dark past where he battled addiction. Last Wednesday, he was the keynote speaker in Central Michigan University’s Native American Heritage Month, where he once again recounted his story to inspire students and people to not go into drugs.

“I am Chaske Spencer, I am a recovering addict-alcoholic,” Spencer said in his introduction. “I have been sober for two years, nine months and three days.”

“Let me tell you something about heroin,” Spencer told about 900 people Wednesday in Warriner Hall’s Plachta Auditorium. “It is the drug that kills. It will suck your soul, your life, it is no joke. I put myself in situations that I should have never been in.”

“I still didn’t think I really had a problem until one day I noticed that I couldn’t live without anything in my system,” Spencer said. “I did not know how to function like normal people do without anything in my system,” he said.

Chaske has already overcome the addiction and is eager to share his story to inspire others.


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