In our usual uber-timely style, I bring you a very important message that I found in my in-box at the beginning of this month:
Just wanted to ask if you would remind all the girls who read your blog to feel their boobs this month. It's October, breast cancer awareness month. :) I was diagnosed last year when I was 24, and 14 weeks pregnant. I am doing fine as of now but it's a horrible experience and goes to show that cancer doesn't care how old you are, if you have family history, or whether or not you breast fed your babies.
I have been following your blog (secretly of course) for about two years now and adore everything you ladies do!
Thanks ;-)
You can read more about Rachel's story and say "Hi!" at her blog, I'm a lucky one.
Men, you need to check yourselves, too.
(Rob, if you need help, we're here for you. j/s. Because we care.)
Need a little more motivation to get those hands of yours on your ta-tas??? I think I have something right up the Twitarded alley... Make sure you watch this all the way to the end - you'll thank me later -
This app seems like a lot more fun than that mammogram I keep putting off, says the Twilight fan of a certain age...
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