Crazy "The Host" Updates! New Casting Info; First of a TRILOGY; & Release BEFORE Breaking Dawn Part 2!

Thu, 10/02/2011 - 00:16 | by twicrackaddicts

OK, I realize that was a super long title but, woah there, Summit - don't mess with my mind...
According to source, Stephenie's book The Host, which went into pre-production early last year is now in full swing audition mode and potentially set to release mid 2012!
Current roles to be cast (numerous additional supporting and day player roles also to be cast):
*SPOILER ALERT*[MELANIE "MEL" STRYDER] Female, early 20′s. Attractive, tall and athletic, naturally tan skin, long dark brown hair, and hazel eyes
[WANDERER/WANDA] Female V/O. Invading soul that inhabits Melanie Stryder’s body.
[JAMIE STRYDER] Male, 14-16. shaggy black curly hair, chocolate brown eyes. Melanie’s younger brother.
[UNCLE JEB] Male, late 40′s – late 50′s. Wild beard, eyes the color of faded blue jeans. Melanie’s feisty eccentric uncle.
[JARED HOWE] Male, 20′s. Handsome, physically fit, tan skin, sienna-colored eyes, and sun-bleached hair. Melanie’s lover.
[IAN O'SHEA] Male 20′s. Handsome, pale skin, dark hair, and striking blue eyes.
[KYLE O'SHEA] Male 20′s. Handsome, pale skin, dark hair, and striking blue eyes. Ian’s brother, with nearly identical looks…
Directing this potential block buster is Andrew Niccol of "The Truman Show" and "Gattaca" - great combo for this story!
However, whether he'll direct all three parts, as this The Host will be the first of a trilogy O_o with sequels "The Soul" and "The Seeker"...
- Lorabell *Mind. Blown.*
P.s. If you've not read this book yet, seriously - hop to:

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