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Thank you to my friend JK (of Trixie and Tess) for pointing out that TODAY marks ten years since Stephenie Meyer's dream of Edward and Bella in the meadow.
Finally! Feast your eyes on the Rosalie/Jacob dog bowl scene.
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So of course I've read other YA series like The Hunger Games, Hush Hush - although I got bored with Fallen and totally stopped - but a friend of mine recommended Beautiful Creatures a few months ago...
I watched the trailer for the movie, which ticked a lot of my interests' boxes:
Boy meets girl he can't have - check
Magical mystery - check
Historical flash backs - check
Set in the deep South - yes ma'am
So I ordered the book.
It then sat on my "to read pile" for the following few months.
Hello, helloo, hellooo?
Echo, echoo, echooo...
I missed you guys! I'm so sorry I've been MIA for, ummm, quite a while :) it wasn't an intentional break but work went from zero to hyper-ludicrous speed and the Twidom got a little too eeek... I just ran plain ran out of steam.
I even had to send my lucky London bud @Barnsie_ along to the BDP2 red carpet but managed to join her in time for the screening - here's her take and pretty pics from the night:
Since BD2 was released, there is a sad drought of Twi-news these days. To make up for it, here is a picture that my lovely friend from New Zealand, TwiKiwi, took on my camera (thanks A!) at the Breaking Dawn: Part 2 premiere:
Blogger asked me what size to make this picture:
small, medium, large, or extra large.
This is so cute! Rob sees Jumping Rob for (presumably) the first time.
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Hey TwiCrackers! I'm back from LA and (somewhat) caught up on sleep. I took hundreds of pictures and I will eventually find the hours needed to upload and edit them, but for now I'll just give you what I know you really want: a spoiler-free review of Breaking Dawn Part 2.
Let's start with the basics.
I'm packing my bags, TwiCrackers! Tomorrow I hop a plane to Los Angeles to camp out for the Breaking Dawn Part 2 premiere. I've got my Twilight tshirts, a Breaking Dawn poster mounted to a posterboard covered in glitter (what else?) for autographs, a really terrible Edward wig, and more.