Deleted Scenes From Twilight: New Moon [tee-hee!]

Sat, 17/10/2009 - 19:03 | by twitarded

So Jenny Jerkface is probably still sleeping off last night's epic drunken movie-watching-and-email-o-rama during which she was force to watch "Drag Me To Hell" and was then left on the dark, mean streets of Central Jersey to find her own way back across town to her house. MWAHAHAA!! Yes, I am that evil! I am pretty sure she and her liver are still alive, although I can't really be sure since her phone is going straight to voicemail. Oops. Feel better (and wake up soon) JJ!

Anyhoo, I was doing my usual aimless meandering through the Blogdom and ended up at YouTube, where I found a funny video suggested just for me!!!! Er, no, it's not going to quench your Edward-smelling-Bella-level of fiery thirst for New Moon to be HERE NOW ALREADY!!! WHY CAN'T IT BE HERE NOW?!?!?! but it will help you kill a few of the interminable seconds that need to elapse before it is FINALLY November 19th... And speaking of the 19th and the New Moon Premiere, for those who weren't on Twitter or maybe missed this news in the last day or so, TwilightMoms is putting on a special screening of New Moon at 7:30 on November 19th in NYC! That's right: a pre-midnight-show! WOOOO!!! Tickets are $26 and include a schwag bag, raffle tickets, AND all proceeds go to Alex's Lemonade Stand. If you're in the area and want to come hang with us, you'll find us waiting in line, decked out in out Team Twitarded finery, about to pass out from excitement. Oh and we'll probably be a tad tipsy. Just a guess (albeit an educated one). You can get more information HERE!

Back to the "New Moon" deleted scenes - this video cracked me up! There are a few others - you can find them HERE on YouTube. Happy Saturday!

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