Eclipse Has Comedy, Says Tay

Mon, 23/11/2009 - 08:47 | by

Taylor Lautner, who plays werewolf Jacob Black in Summit Entertainment’s hit “Twilight” franchise, recently talked to MTV Newsabout the third installment titled “Twilight: Eclipse”. The actor says ”Eclipse” is going to be really funny and have a lot of comedy in it. He said the third novel by Stephanie Meyer was his favorite in the series and that he had a lot of fun filming it. His favorite scene is the tenth seen in which the three of them are together. Well, you only have seven months to wait for “Twilight: Eclipse” to hit theaters. It has a set release date of June 20, 2010. Meanwhile, you can check out “Twilight: New Moon” which is now playing in theaters nation-wide. The film holds the third biggest opening weekend of all time.


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