Stephanie Meyer

Eclipse Spanish DVD – Metal 3-Disc Edition

Fri, 01/10/2010 - 04:53 | by

Here is a first look of the Eclipse Metal 3-Disc Special Edition DVD. It still contains pretty much the same features that the US and UK Eclipse DVD offers including deleted scenes, featurettes and music videos.

Disc 1
Commentary by Stephanie Meyer and Wyck Godfrey
Commentary by Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson
Aurum Trailers

Twilight efffect pushed Wuthering Heights sales in the UK

Sun, 11/04/2010 - 15:39 | by

In an article by the Telegraph UK, the classic novel by Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights, has quadrupled its sales in the UK thanks to the Twilight effect.

The Ravishing of Robert Pattinson

Fri, 05/03/2010 - 03:24 | by

The Wall Street Journal has published an article where it states the public’s fascination and obsession with Twilight’s Robert Pattinson:

Poll conducted shows Twilight books most likely to be pass to the next generation

Fri, 05/03/2010 - 03:13 | by

In celebration of the World Book Day, a poll was conducted amongst the British people on which book would they likely pass on to the next generation. The poll was topped by the favorite Harry Potter series but the Twilight books placed 5th in the poll.

Early Draft Of Eclipse Leaked

Fri, 08/01/2010 - 15:45 | by

Guess what? The Twilight Saga: Eclipse will feature glittery vampires, buff werewolves and steamy moments between Edward and Bella. No, I didn’t read the leaked script! Eclipse is based on Stephanie Meyer’s book, remember?

Eclipse Has Comedy, Says Tay

Mon, 23/11/2009 - 08:47 | by

Taylor Lautner, who plays werewolf Jacob Black in Summit Entertainment’s hit “Twilight” franchise, recently talked to MTV Newsabout the third installment titled “Twilight: Eclipse”. The actor says ”Eclipse” is going to be really funny and have a lot of comedy in it. He said the third novel by Stephanie Meyer was his favorite in the series and that he had a lot of fun filming it. His favorite scene is the tenth seen in which the three of them are together. Well, you only have seven months to wait for “Twilight: Eclipse” to hit theaters.

New Moon malware warning

Fri, 20/11/2009 - 02:44 | by Malaysian Twilighter

Looks like even malware developers are getting on theTwilight action.
Reports have surfaced that there's a new malware out there promising an online interview with Stephenie Meyer, when in fact, it will cause a malware to suck up all your computer info.
According to PC Tools ( fans searching for more information about her and the movie will come across a site promising an online interview. Instead, it’s a “Vampire Byte” to suck out your financial information and install malware on your computer.
How the scam works:

Talking with the vampires

Wed, 18/11/2009 - 04:49 | by were able to have a quick interview with Edi Cathegi and Jamie Campbell Bower when they visited Utah last week. Here is an excerpt of their interview:

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