Eclipse News!! David Slade Shows Summit The First Director's Cut!

Wed, 27/01/2010 - 22:41 | by Twilight Treasury

News on Eclipse is scarce at the moment, so we have to thank our Eclipse director David Slade for taking pity and throwing us the odd morsel every now and then. His latest Tweetsare very exciting, as he keeps us in the loop on the editing process and tells us that the first director's cut has been shown to Summit!!! Woop! I can't wait! Now Summit, for the love of Edward, give us the trailer! (p.s Art Jones is the editor for Eclipse - you can see his IMDB page here - looks like he worked with Slade of 30 Days of Night & Hard Candy) (p.p.s I'd completely forgotten this scene where Carlisle treats Jacobs broken bones..... I'm so glad they haven't left that out!)

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