Somehow what fans like doesn't influence what critics hate. Eclipse has gotten itself a few nominations for the Razzie awards.
*Super Duper Spoiler Alert!*
Click to see after the cut
In an interview with MTV’s Hollywood Crush, director David Slade talked about how Eclipse was named as the best Twilight film so far. He also talked about the critics, saying that in a film its the director who usually gets the most hit in a critic.
David Slade bids farewell to the saga with a tweet. He also posted a photo.
In an interview with Urban Rush during the Vancouver International Film Festival, director David Slade talked about making the third movie of the Twilight Series, Eclipse and why Robert Pattinson is an enigma.
Its only one day ore to go before the Eclipse DVD will be released and director David Slade revealed one deleted scenethat is included in the DVD.
Say it ain't so Melissa Rosenburg!
According to Next Movie, Eclipse director, David Slade nearly shot the Breaking Dawn wedding scene for the third installment of the saga O_o
In case you can't wait for the Eclipse DVD extras, here are the 12 and a half minutes work of deleted/extended scenes that director, David Slade had to cut from the movie - in good quality - including: Deleted -
"It's not life or death" with Angela
"I can't wait to see what you're going to do next" with Charlie *tear*
"Just keep the window closed" with Edward *swoon*
Extended -
"From now on I'm Switzerland"
"Someone's creating an arrrmy" - oh Emmett!
"Bella, I envy you"
"What did I say about a low profile?"
David Slade has posted a gorgeous new picture of Julia Jones (Leah Clearwater) to his website (go to the website HERE). If you remember from the filming of 'Eclipse' David is an extremely talented photographer and would often tease us via twitpic with pictures of the cast.