Eclipse Set Pictures - Jack Huston As Royce King?

Fri, 21/08/2009 - 14:17 | by Twilight Treasury

X17 have pics up of who they say is Jack Huston, in costume, dressed as Royce King, on the set of Eclipse.

These photos we're taken on the night shoot on Wednesday...

This is where I get slightly confused. We have information that Jasper and Maria were filming their scenes near this barn, which is where 'Jack' was seen, so why are they also filming Rosalie flashbacks in the same place on the same night? The other thing you may notice, is that his eyes are most definately red. I mean RED, soooo red that they are screaming their redness at you. At no point in the saga, do I remember nasty Royce King being made into a vamp....

Also... Royce was a rich guy, he should be smartly dressed etc etc... this guy has disheveled hair, stained clothes and looks all together messy. Reminds me of another vamp that Jasper comes across before meeting up with the Cullen's, Peter (mate of Charlotte) who is part of Maria's troop...

Is this just coincidence, that they were said to be filming Jasper's flashback and a possible Peter is there, or is there something to it?

Incidentally, There is no mention of Peter or Charlotte on Summit's official cast list...

Confusing stuff huh? I'm thinking x17 are wrong and this is not Jack Huston!


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