Fan Fiction: Picture Windows, Prolouge- Chapter 1

Sun, 27/09/2009 - 23:05 | by twilightersblog97

Sorry it's late, and sorry I read so little, but here it is! My review of the Fan Fiction, "Picture Windows."The prolouge was extremly confusing and didn't catch my interest. Simple. As. That.

Chapter 1 filled in some blanks, and gave me a slight idea of what it's going to be about. I got slightly interested in some places, especially the relationship between characters Bella and Jasper. I love where the plot seems to be going, and I'm developing my own ideas about how I would write the piece. It seems to be different from all the rest. Oh, and there is a certain character that has been mentioned that I wish I could see more often. Leah. I would like it if she were mentioned. After all, she's a very complexcharacter.

Rating: 6/10.
Read Picture Windows here.
Peace Love Twilight

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