We have 4 days left until the New Moon Release, and me and my twi-movie buddies have already planned out Twi-themed day. But, even though it hasn't hit theaters yet, they're already talking about the New Moon DVD.
This was also in our list, and I hadn't actually watched the vidoe until now. I literally have a higher respect for everyone and their acting, directing, their ability to dealing with the weather, everything. I mean, ever shoudler position, timing, grunts, facial expression, it has to be perfect. And I didn't realize that when waht-his-face-evil-vampire shoved Edward against a wall that that was fake. But now I'm wondering how I couldn't have known that. Hm. And the whole Jasper-paper-cut scene did take a lot of effort. Okay, I'll stop so you can just watch it.
1. Is it possible to ask Robert Pattinson the same questions in every interview? It seems that way....
Does the poor boy, who still calls London home, feel he has to hide? “I tend to
stay in the hotel because it’s highly publicised where I’m staying all the time.
There’s always a bunch of people outside. I can’t really be in LA now at all.
It’s not that the fans are threatening, but the paparazzi follow me all night.”
This hounding can evoke an absurd sympathy, considering the kid’s fortune and
Screen Capture Software Couldn't help it, this looked pretty darn cool to me. Anybody interesting in trying it out and telling me what they think? Anybody already trying it? What do we think? Peace Love Twilight
Yeah, she did it again. Mandazz sent this to me, and I'm in love with it. Well, I probably shouldn't have watched it considering that New Moon is 20 days away...but let's face it, I couldn't help myself. It does actually have every clip in order, non repeating.