First Poster - Kellan & Ashley's New Movie "A Warrior's Heart"

Thu, 04/11/2010 - 03:10 | by twicrackaddicts

How cuuuuuuuute are these posters for Kellan Lutz and Ashley Greene's new movie together, A Warrior's Heart? ...If slightly creepy - sorry, but I'm weirded seeing these two all snuggly!
According to Collider, this movie's synopsis is:In shock and denial over his Marine father’s death in battle, star high school lacrosse player Conor Sullivan, always a maverick and a hot head, starts acting out in self destructive ways that has his mom, Claire, at her wits end. But arduous training in a wilderness lacrosse camp under the tutelage of his dad’s old combat buddy, Sgt. Major Duke Wayne, and finding a new love interest opens Conor’s eyes to the true meaning of maturity, sportsmanship and life.Aw *tear* there best not be a puppy, because I don't know if I could take it!
- Lorabell ;)
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