Gratuitous Rob Por Pic Spam

Thu, 28/01/2010 - 18:00 | by Eyes of Amber

These were circulating twitter yesterday, and I would be remiss in my duties as a rabid fan blogger if I didn't post them.

Outtakes from the Entertainment Weekly shoot:

I'm already ded.

Admit it, you turned your head sideways, too.

This is the stare that creates tabloid fodder.

This might be my favorite of the lot.

No, Rob. You play Edward Cullen, not Dracula.

Flying is closer.

Everyone says James Dean, this looks more Elvisy.

This is just scary. And hot.

No, no, wait. This might be my favorite.

Well, hello, Rob's jaw. How are you today?

It's Air-Guitar-Ninja-Rob!

Aww, blowing a kiss to us all. Isn't he sweet?

Nope. THIS is my.ahem...favorite. Excuse me...


Oh yeah, Kristen and Taylor were there, too!

Someone just told a bad joke. Was it Rob? Or the photographer?

Okay, as soon as I compose myself. I'll be back with the Eclipse Discussion. Enjoy!

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