I've more or less been miserable all day but I finally dragged myself online and OH MAH FUCKING GAHD IT'S THE BREAKING DAWN TRAILER!!!
I know that I've been pretty rough on the whole Breaking Dawn: Before the Spawn movie and all but... I got excited, people. Like, really, super duper, excited.
And I may or may not have creamed myself a little when Edward yelled, "YOU'VE GIVEN ME NO CHOICE!!" Grrrrr, Angryward. You make my brain mushy and my lady bits go haywire.
I think this movie just may have a shot at being decent and not completely sucking hairy monkey-asshole, bad Carlisle-hair and all (the headboard scene will TOTALLY make up for that, I'm sure). And even though the wolves don't look so...
You know what? I'm not going to go to there. I'm just going to sit back and watch this trailer again.
And again.
Okay, one more time...
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