A hello-larious bathroom message just for you :)

Tue, 15/09/2009 - 03:02 | by peacelovetwilight

Well, we know Twilight has made its mark on the world! That I know, of all people. 
HOWEVER: I have never thought about what effect Twilight might have on the filthscust that is the public bathrooms of America. Until now.
A few weeks ago I went to an amusement park near where I live. I found the following message scratched into my bathroom stall door (on the inside):

And you can clickity that to enlarge for good measure. (The tiny writing in the bottom right hand corner is just a timestamp.)
In case, for some reason, you can't read it properly, the writing reads:
"Alice Cullen waz Here + She had a  good time w/ Jasper Hale! Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha!"
LOL. If you are indeed the person who wrote this, please leave me a comment, anonymously or not. (And no, I won't report you for vandalism! :P) 
I would simply like to love you for leaving Twilight's mark on bathrooms everywhere. Or...at least there.

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