As if it's not bad enough that I have to wait nineteen years for Breaking Dawn: Before the Spawn to come out, I now have another movie I'm impatiently jedi-minding to come to the silver screen right the fuck now.
As I've mentioned once or twice here on Twitarded, I have a girl-boner for the Hunger Games trilogy and the first movie comes out March 23, 2012.
You rock on with your bad self, Katniss Everdeen.
And I'm sofa king excited.
They apparently aired a little teaser of The Hunger Games during the MTV Music Awards (MTV still plays music? I had no idea) but I was either still bailing out my basement from hurricane Irene or drunk. Or both.
I have to admit, this doesn't exactly make me super excited. This was a little more like "premature ejaculation" than "just the tip" but I'm going to have faith that this movie will not suck. After all, they can't give away too much, right? I mean it would probably ruin everything if they did a teaser that was all, "OMFG Katniss just had pink elephants fly out of her asshole and they destroyed the Capitol" then people would be upset. (Spoiler Alert - that wasn't one)
And Summit isn't making this film, so the hair/costumes/makeup have a fighting chance.
At this point, all I can do is keep my fingers crossed and hope the odds may ever be in my favor... that this will be a fucking awesome movie.
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