In her collection of one-shots, Reading Between the Lines, author Brynna writes about moments: moments of stress, heartbreak, intensity, humor, and above all, love.
Reading Between the Lines is an ongoing series of stories all focusing on Alice and Jasper. The stories vary in time and circumstance. From their initial meeting to their first years with the Cullens, from moments in their life in Forks during the Twilight Saga to Breaking Dawn and beyond, all the stories are excellently written, providing readers a look at Alice and Jasper in a a way we are never able to see them in Stephanie Meyers' books.
At 38 chapters, these one-shots are all worth reading. However, the true standouts are: Both Sides Now where Charlie observes Alice and Jasper together, Question, where Jasper purposes to Alice, and Words Fail You, a series of moments during the time Alice and Jasper are away in Breaking Dawn. Words Fail You will leave you breathless, as Alice and Jasper's side of the story is revealed and concludes with sentences that flow directly into Breaking Dawn. Reading Between the Lines is an on-going project and Brynna also takes suggestions from reviewers about what types of stories they would like to see about Alice and Jasper, a great way that she interacts with fans and reviewers.
Brynna is a fantastic writer regardless (see TGS review for her Rosalie piece, 9 Crimes), but she really hits her mark with her Alice and Jasper stories. Her ideas of the characters are truly perfection. After reading these stories and then re-reading the Twilight Saga, I could picture certain quirks of Brynna's Alice and Jasper throughout the books. They are so good, so right on, that the characters Brynna has developed from Alice and Jasper belong to her, as much as Edward and Bella belong to Stephanie Meyers.
Rated: T (PG-13)